14 feb 2024
CELSI - the slovack REJEnerAxion partner - will host the event on February 19th and 20th.
The third transnational meeting of the European project REJEnerAXion (Energy for a just and green recovery deal: the role of industrial relations in the energy sector for a resilient Europe) will take place in Bratislava on February 19th and 20th.
This project aims to analyze and strengthen the role of innovative industrial relations structures, including social dialogue, in addressing the key challenges and opportunities presented by the transition to clean energy at both national and European levels.
The event's objective is to share and present case studies of the project partners.
After the draft of the Preliminary National and European Reports and the implementation of the qualitative survey on the structures and processes of industrial relations with regard to a “Socially just transition” in the energy sector, around 24 case studies have carried by the partners (3 case studies per country) during the second year of the project (June 2023 – January 2024).
The findings of these case studies (to be included in each country report) will be discussed during the workshop. Each presentation will highlight:
The main characteristics of the case studies;
The impacts of the transition dynamics on employment and professional profiles, with focus on job transition paths;
The effects on the territory of the transition focusing on its place-based dimension;
The role of industrial relations systems and social dialogue in supporting a just energy transition.
Overall, the discussion will provide crucial elements for the implementation of the next step: the draft of the comparative analysis and the writing of the policy recommendations.
It will be possible to follow the event on zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84116810676?pwd=VUJpYVZCejhzT2hURFVaV3pXSnFjUT09